
Agendaof the virtual event schedule

Day 1 Thursday 11/16

time iconNovember 16, 2023 08:30 am

Welcome to “Navigating Human Connection in a World of AI”

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Kelli Hendrickson ScD, ACC
ACC | ICFRAC President, STEM Researcher and Career & Leadership Coach

time iconNovember 16, 2023 09:00 am

AI… Knowledge to Wisdom

Darelyn "DJ" Mitsch - Presentation one - AI… Knowledge to Wisdom Mind Map

Darelyn "DJ" Mitsch - Presentation two - Knowledge to Wisdom

In this session, DJ Mitsch will lead the audience on an exploration of how AI, a powerful tool in the modern coaching arena, can evolve from a mere source of knowledge to a conduit for coaching success. DJ's presentation will explore the intersection of AI and human connection, providing coaches with an understanding of how AI can complement coaching processes while preserving the profound impact of genuine human interactions and meaningful transformations for their clients.

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Darelyn “DJ” Mitsch
MCC | Pyramid Resource Group Chief Coaching Officer

time iconNovember 16, 2023 10:00 am

Coaching and AI: An Embodied Partnership

Janet Harvey - Presentation - Coaching and AI: An Embodied Partnership

Explore the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) in all its forms and the potential impact you can choose on your human coaching. The field of coaching continuously evolves to meet the growing complexity of society. In 1993, Netscape gave us the Internet and we didn’t know what to do with it. Today we couldn’t imagine life without it. This is the best way you can hold the inevitably of AI capability in partnership with humans, and that includes coaching. While AI coaching could be cheaper and more scalable, when partnered with human coaching, consumers experience a more functional outcome that delivers coherence with personal meaning and their relevant context. We'll discuss the importance of developing ethical standards when it comes to AI and how coaches can adopt a coaching mindset that embraces digital as an embodied partnership in their businesses.

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Janet M. Harvey
MCC | inviteCHANGE and Accredited Educator

time iconNovember 16, 2023 11:00 am

ICF Global Keynote

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Kaveh Mir-Tahmasebi
MCC | Keynote Speaker, Director of Professional Coaches Global Board International Coaching Federation

time iconNovember 16, 2023 12:30 pm

Yoga Stretches & Quiz Show

time iconNovember 16, 2023 01:00 pm

Exploring AI’s relationship with cultivating trust, safety and emotional connection

How do you feel about your iPhone, Siri or Alexa? These are examples of relationships with AI. We’ll explore some core coaching behaviors including cultivating trust, safety, and emotional connection from human and AI perspectives.

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Carly Anderson
MCC | Leader of The Mentor Coaching Group and Full Being Coaching, Inc.

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Pamela Maxson
PhD, PCC | Leadership and Mentor Coach

time iconNovember 16, 2023 02:00 pm

Productize Your Service: How to Leverage Your Story & AI to Package Your Process

In an era where AI promises marketing simplicity, join former Disney storyteller-turned-branding strategist, Annie Franceschi, to leverage these new tools and your unique story to productize your coaching services with ease. Uncover Annie’s 4-step approach to elevating your coaching into high-ticket, well-branded solutions.

Key Steps and Takeaways:

  • Position Yourself as an Expert: Rooted in your unique story, clarify your unique value proposition and set yourself up to become known for your expertise.
  • Craft a Branded Solution: Shift from "X months of coaching" to a compelling offer that connects to your clients’ needs and goals.
  • Make Services Visual & Easy to Explain with AI and Canva: Discover how to use new and creative technologies to make your offers clear, visual, and easy to share online and offline.
  • Learn Sleaze-free, Authentic Selling Strategies: Embrace organic, effective approaches to bringing awareness and new clients into your practice via speaking engagements, networking, and free consultations.

This session will equip you to start tapping into the marketing power of AI while staying true to the heart of coaching: the human connection. Your journey to a thriving coaching practice starts here.

(And yes, AI played a role in writing this description – learn how in the session).

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Annie Franceschi
Branding Strategist & Founder, Greatest Story Creative®

time iconNovember 16, 2023 03:00 pm

Can AI deliver transformational coaching?

In 2021, the International Coaching Federation (ICF) confidently asserted that artificial intelligence will soon allow coaches to “offload low value coaching activities such as brief questions, assessment, and journaling” to computers, leaving human coaches with “the high-value work of complex, transformational coaching.” A lot can change in two years, and despite many coaches still believing that there is something inherently human to transformational coaching, it’s a position increasingly difficult to defend.

In this presentation, we address the question, “Can AI deliver transformational coaching?” concluding that the answer is “increasingly, yes,” with the breadth and depth of that experience improving rapidly over time.

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Julian Humphreys
PhD, PCC | Executive and Leadership Coach

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Joe Dunn
Principal, Cloudbreak Leadership Coaching

time iconNovember 16, 2023 04:00 pm

Catching the AI Wave: Boost Your Coaching Business

We are excited for you to join Tim Harrison, CEO of EPOG Academy and professional leadership coach, for an eye-opening workshop on leveraging AI in coaching and consulting businesses. You will be exposed to game-changing AI tools, learn best practices that save you time and money, and develop the mindset to continue taking advantage of accelerating innovation. This is not about cookie-cutter prompts or being trendy. You will expand your sense of what is possible, immediately know how to apply it in your business, and grasp principles to keep you up to date. You will walk away feeling equipped and with actionable strategies to update the way you work, positioning you to ride this exponential wave of innovation.

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Tim Harrison
ACC | CEO, EPOG Academy - Enjoyable Pain of Growth Academy

time iconNovember 16, 2023 05:00 pm

Conversation with PM speakers

Join a Zoom breakout discussion for an informal conversation with our afternoon speakers.

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Carly Anderson
MCC | Leader of The Mentor Coaching Group and Full Being Coaching, Inc.

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Joe Dunn
Principal, Cloudbreak Leadership Coaching

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Julian Humphreys
PhD, PCC | Executive and Leadership Coach

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Tim Harrison
ACC | CEO, EPOG Academy - Enjoyable Pain of Growth Academy

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Pamela Maxson
PhD, PCC | Leadership and Mentor Coach

Day 2 Friday 11/17

time iconNovember 17, 2023 09:00 am

The AI Coach's Canvas: Enhancing Authenticity in a Digital Age

Divya Parekh - Presentation - Enhancing Authenticity in a Digital Age

In our dynamic coaching landscape where human intuition intersects with AI, the "AI Coach's Canvas" offers a pioneering perspective. It emphasizes the importance of distinguishing emotions that AI can and cannot grasp, ensuring a harmonious balance between data-driven insights and human instinct. By harnessing techniques that allow AI to detect subtle, often overlooked behavioral patterns, coaches can gain profound insights into their clients. Yet, amidst this technological integration, it's paramount to craft and maintain the genuine human connection, the very essence of coaching. 


As we navigate this digital integration, upholding the highest standards of trust, confidentiality, and ethics becomes even more crucial. For the ICF-RAC community, this presentation promises not just an overview but a deep dive into magnifying a coach's impact using AI, ensuring every client interaction remains transformative and authentically human.

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Divya Parekh
PCC | Executive Coach and Positioning Advisor, The DP Group, LLC

time iconNovember 17, 2023 10:00 am

How AI is shaping the future of coaching

Technology in coaching has become one of the conversation trends about the future of coaching. Advantages and pitfalls of using technology in coaching is a common discussion.

  • How can we maintain the human aspect of coaching and at the same time evaluate its positive impact? 
  • How can technology bring effectiveness rather than efficiency in the coaching process, without trying to replace the coach?

In this session, we introduce the concept of AI, we look into the interaction of coaching and technology, and we explore a new AI-based tool designed to support the mentoring process.

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Carla Benedetti

time iconNovember 17, 2023 11:00 am

Embracing AI as a respected tool in Coaching

Kerri Patterson & Bob Stapleton - Presentation - Embracing AI as a respected tool in Coaching

In a world shaped by visions of Terminator and Minority Report, AI often evokes a visceral sense of trepidation. Yet, for those coaches attuned to the coaching model, AI unfolds as a golden opportunity.

Goal/Contract: Begin with clarity. Imagine a coaching realm where AI amplifies the coaching experience. Instead of perceiving AI as a threat, we set our sights on harnessing it as a tool that elevates coaching, crafting richer and more impactful outcomes.

Reality/Exploration: Despite concerns of AI overshadowing human roles, the truth is it's here to complement. It shifts the coaching dynamic from predictable tasks, allowing a deeper dive into the creative, intuitive, and forward-thinking aspects central to coaching.

Together, we'll venture into:

  • Options/Solutions: How AI can be seamlessly integrated into the coaching framework
  • Strategies that blend AI's precision with human intuition
  • Real-world case studies showcasing the transformative power of AI in coaching scenarios

And as we chart our way forward:

  • Dive into actionable steps and ethical considerations, ensuring that the heart of coaching - the human touch - remains unswayed in an AI-driven environment.
  • AI isn't just the future; it's the present. Embrace its potential in the world of coaching and embark on a journey where technology and human intuition intertwine seamlessly.
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Kerri Patterson
PCC, Director of Engineering Delivery and Program Manager, Well Dot

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Bob Stapleton
PCC, Life & Leadership Coach, HR/OD Consultant, Podcaster, Entrepreneur, and Life-long Proud Learner

time iconNovember 17, 2023 12:30 pm

Yoga Stretches & Quiz Show

time iconNovember 17, 2023 02:00 pm

Conference Closeout

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Kelli Hendrickson ScD, ACC
ACC | ICFRAC President, STEM Researcher and Career & Leadership Coach



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Continuing Coach Education Units will be available via certificates within a week of the conference. Please note, that attendees must attend 80% of each live session to receive CCEUs to be granted for individual sessions. CCEUs will not be issued for viewing recorded sessions, even if viewed within the conference period.
Several networking opportunities to connect with others with “like” coaching specialties will be provided throughout the conference. One opportunity is pre-conference (Wednesday, November 15) and another via connections using the Chat feature throughout the conference.
Thank you for your interest in bringing ICF-RAC’s priorities of connection, collaboration, and community to life.
Please email specialevents@icfraleigh.org to get started.
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Yes. Attendees can win prizes by participating in Leaderboard activities. Leaderboard activity awards points to participants for attending and engaging in various aspects of the conference.
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